Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Me Time

From 1:00pm to 7:30pm I was KID-FREE (except for "Taco Bill")! Matt and the kids went with Don's family and a few other people on a boat ride this afternoon. They had a great time stopping in Castine for ice cream and then stopping in Stockton Springs to look for sea shells. That left me to venture to Goodwill BY MYSELF and then I went to my doctor's appointment. I'm glad I didn't have any kids with me at the appointment because I was there for an hour and a half for my non-stress test, regular visit, and ultrasound to make sure there is still enough fluid for the baby. There is. My Mom and I went out to dinner before I came home. While I was waiting for her to finish her meeting at church before we ate, I started having minor contractions, which got my hopes up that I would go into labor tonight. But so far the contractions are still minor and far apart, so my hope is vanishing. Matt is still hoping for a 4th of July baby, which I think is more likely than having this baby tomorrow.


Gabriela said...

Keep us posted!!!

Dawn said...

I'm really glad you had some alone time, especially at the doctor! And that you got to go out to eat with your mom. A firecracker would be good!