Monday, July 28, 2008

Do I have to? (in a whiny voice)

Zoe has the desire to make a pillow case. I should be excited that she wants to learn a new skill, but I HATE to sew. I've been annoyed and resistant to her desire, but I am slowly coming around. I looked on the internet this afternoon and found easy instructions for kids on how to make a pillow case. I figure if she has instructions written out to follow, then we'll be fighting less because honestly my attitude about this stinks. I'm dreading getting to the point where I have to dust my sewing machine off and try to remember how to thread the stupid thing. Before we get to that point, we need to find my measuring tape, but someone doesn't seem to be looking very hard for it.

Kate is going through a phase where she wants to get her sippy cup out of the fridge when she wants a drink. If I pour milk into a cup, I can't just give it to her, I have to put it in the fridge and then she gets it herself. Silly girl!

Here are some pictures that Matt took on Saturday.


Kris said...

Cute pictures!

Dawn said...

It is funny what little ones insist on doing in what order - Feisty is really like that.

I used to sew all the time, and should have taught Kristen, since they don't do it in home ec. any more. I can't even thread a needle any more with my vision as it is. I think maybe I should be Lasik done, since I just found out that I qualify. Now if I can just come up with the money and talk DC into the fact that I need to do it.