I've been a bit confused with school lunch this week. Poor Zoe missed pizza Tuesday yesterday because I told her they were having Italian dunkers, which she doesn't like and so I made her a lunch. She never said anything. Then today I told her she was having waffles, which she loves, so I didn't make her a lunch...and she had to eat Italian dunkers. She made a comment this evening about waffles tomorrow and I looked at the school calendar and sure enough I have been a day ahead the past two days.
The past few days I have gone outside with Zach during Kate's nap time to push him on the swing. He loves to swing! And he loves to be pushed in Kate's swing, so during nap time is the best time to do that.
Here are some cute pictures of Kate and Zach.
I love Kate's hat. She tries and tries to take it off, but it won't budge. Love it!
I organized our food pantry today. When I went grocery shopping last night, I wasn't sure which spices I needed and already had because we had spices here, there, and everywhere in the food pantry, so I ended up buying all the spices on the list. So I wanted to get our spices all in one spot so I knew what we had. The little spice containers are now in a small bin inside the door and the bigger spice containers are in a shoe box. The bulk size spice containers are behind the shoe box. Mission accomplished.
Zoe and Emily have discovered that they can send messages to each other on their Nintendo's. They had fun doing that this afternoon.
Zach and Eleanor had a fight this afternoon over Zach's hat. Eleanor wanted to wear it, but Zach insisted it was his and he wanted it back. I decided to try a sharing method that Priel was telling me and Esther about when we were visiting her. I took the hat and told Eleanor and Zach that they were going to share the hat. I gave it to Eleanor for a second, took it back, and then gave it to Zach for a second. Then I let Eleanor have it for 2 seconds and then gave it to Zach for 2 seconds. I got to 4 seconds and Eleanor started to laugh and thought it was a great game. She insisted that they could handle it from there and they took turns giving it to each other. And then they played tag and whoever was holding the hat was "it". And then Zach ended up with the hat, Eleanor moved on to something else, and they were happy again. Wow, it worked!
Look at this delicious dinner I made.
Mom's Gourmet Grilled Cheese Sandwich
BLT Salad
Strawberry Jell-O
Matt wasn't here to offer his opinion, but I thought everything was delicious. The Jell-O was a big hit with the kids. Zoe liked the sandwich, but didn't care for the dressing on the salad, so she added Thousand Island dressing. I'm not sure if Emily tried anything but the Jell-O, but since she has been sick I gave her some slack. Eleanor turned her nose up at everything but the Jell-O. And Zach tried the sandwich, but could only tolerate a few bites and ate some of his Jell-O. Well, it felt good to have a real meal on the table and again, I thought it was all delicious!
Oh, and Kate. Kate refused to sit in her chair, she wanted to stand. I fought with her a few times on it, but then gave in and let her stand. She enjoyed the sandwich I gave her and enjoyed Eleanor's salad and was very happy that she got her way.
It's good to see that we're not the only ones enjoying this lovely Maine weather we're having. :)
I always feel guilty when I make grilled cheese sandwitches for supper, now I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that does it occasionally.
I think the meal looked delicious:) I love salads during spring/summer for dinner and the kids ALWAYS love grilled cheese. Are these recipes you got off of allrecipes.com? I really like that site a lot. I love that "real" people give their reviews and you can know what they thought did or didn't work with a recipe. I really liked all the cute photos:) also, I like the sharing technique. I will definitely try that one:)
Cute hats!
That does look yummy:)
Today is Thursday,he,he,he
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