Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

I'm just realizing that I should have taken a picture of Matt with all of the kids today. Oh well. I think Matt had a nice day. The kids gave him cards throughout the day and we went over to my parents' home after church for dinner. Zach kept saying "Happy Birthday" to Matt. This is the second Sunday now that Kate has noticed her daddy sitting up on the stand during Sacrament meeting and shouts, "da-ddy, da-ddy" over and over again. It was very fitting today I suppose and it IS cute, but I wish she wouldn't do it. How can people concentrate on what is being said at the pulpit when this cute 16 month old is talking to her daddy on the stand?

I was looking at quotes about fathers last night and I saw this cute one by Jimmy Piersal, on how to diaper a baby, 1968.
"Spread the diaper in the position of the diamond with you at bat. Then fold second base down to home and set the baby on the pitcher's mound. Put first base and third together, bring up home plate and pin the three together. Of course, in case of rain, you gotta call the game and start all over again."
Speaking a father's language, I love it!

Our children are blessed to have such a great dad. They may not realize it now, but someday they will. He teaches them so much and he's always looking out for them. He is willing to be a hands-on dad and helps me out whenever he gets the chance...which is whenever I let him or the kids let him. He is fun and quite entertaining. He challenges the kids and wants them to be productive and hard-working, which can result in a lot of whining and resistance (one of the things they will appreciate later in life). He is a worthy Priesthood holder who teaches them the gospel and sets a good example for them. He goes to work and provides for them. He mows the lawn, that he'd rather not have, so they can play on the grass. He fixes things and solves problems, so life runs more smoothly and conveniently. He is smart and tests their knowledge to make sure they are working at the level they are capable of. He longs for the day when he can sit by the woodstove with his children reading at his feet. I'll definitely take a picture when that day happens! He loves them.

Happy Father's Day to all!


Dawn said...

A very nice tribute to the father of your children.

Kris said...

Happy Father's Day to Matt... that all sounds very true. I'm glad you had a good day. I think it would be hard to be a dad of young children and sometimes feel you are "second best!" (Of course, being the "favorite" parent can be a challenge too...)

♥Shally said...

I love hearing about great dads...

Kristy said...

I am trying to play catch up on your blog! I can't believe you are getting so close to having your new exciting. Sounds like life has been super busy for you!

Janae said...

Thumbs up for the good dads in our lives! I am finding out they are sometimes hard to come by. I hope my girls can find good ones like their dad and uncles and grandpa's when the time comes:)