Kate climbed into Noah's bed yesterday right before dinner...and fell asleep.
I am a fan of waiting until my children are 3 before potty training, but I am seriously considering potty training Kate now. (meaning I need to get a "Potty Power" video for her to watch constantly for a few weeks and I need to buy a potty chair, so now really turns into within the next month.) Kate will turn 2 a week from today. She often tells me when she is pooping, it's the perfect time of year since we're always home, and it would be so nice to only have 1 child in diapers! The thought of Kate in big girl underwear and having her go potty when we still think of her as a baby is very weird, though.
Zach and I have been making a lot of marble runs lately. Usually I put the run together with the help of Zach handing me the parts that I need. This afternoon, Zach informed me that he was going to make a run and he would be asking me for the pieces. It was so cute the way he said it!
My kids always come home STARVING, so I decided today to make sure they have some sort of snack or treat waiting for them when they get home. I am so tired of hearing how HUNGRY they are and having them in the kitchen for an hour snacking and finding things to eat. So today I made them pancakes. It was nice having them all eat the same thing and having them eat until they were full.
Eleanor made a paper groundhog in school today. She keeps calling it a hedgehog and I keep reminding her it's a groundhog.
It's time to go feed my kids again.