Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Yesterday morning I went to Zoe's school for a few hours to help out with the math fair. The kids spend all day going to different rooms in the school to play math games. I took Zoe's group around to different rooms in the morning. Emily's school did the math fair as well. When I left the school, I picked up Eleanor and Zach from home (my dad was watching them) and we headed for my doctor's appointment. Matt met me there, which was a big help because Zach fell asleep and Eleanor still isn't walking very well. She'll walk on the heel of her hurt foot, but she's very slow. I am 30 weeks along in my pregnancy and everything is going well. I stopped at the grocery store on my way home and then settled into home, ready to make some pies for pie night at our church, which is tonight. I made a pumpkin pie and two graham cracker crusts before Matt got home. We ate dinner and had Family Home Evening. I gave Zoe and Emily both a shower, got the kids ready for bed with Matt's help and in bed, and then made a cheesecake and a chocolate pie. (the visualization of eating these yummy desserts tonight prompted this craziness!) By 9pm, everything on my to-do list was completed.

Today, I have laundry to do (and I am thankful to have a washer at home that works!), I'm taking Eleanor and Zach with me to Zoe's school later on in the morning to see a short Thanksgiving play that Zoe's class is performing for the parents, and I will finish preparing for the Family Home Evening part of pie night this evening. Usually pie night is very low-key, set up some tables and chairs, everyone brings a pie, and we eat and talk until we feel like we're going to burst. We're doing that tonight, but before we eat our pie, we're going to separate into two classes, one with adults with children at home and the other class with adults without children at home, for about 20 minutes to learn more about FHE. Our family is going to do a sample FHE for the adults with children at home, and the adult only group will have a discussion and hopefully will gain new ideas and perspective on having FHE alone, with a group, or with a spouse. I was thinking about Family Home Evening a few weeks ago on a Monday, when the desire came to present a lesson on FHE to the branch. I e-mailed Matt and our Relief Society President about it and the R.S. President thought it was a great idea and suggested we do it during pie night. So we are, and I will finish preparing for it today.

I haven't forgotten about the About Me series, I'm just taking a little break from it on these days I have overloaded my schedule :-)

1 comment:

Kris said...

Busy days! I'm glad Matt fixed the washer. What a relief! I'm impressed. Have fun eating pie!