Wednesday, October 25, 2006


The chain of late events started last night when my Arbonne consultant was an hour late to my party. I had the party at my mom's house, and the consultant had a hard time finding it. She had the right road, but the wrong town. We finally got in touch with each other and arrived at the house an hour late. The few guests I had at the party didn't mind the wait since we were snacking and chatting and having a good time without the party part of the evening. Starting the party late meant that we ended the party late and I got home late. I got to bed late, so when the alarm went off this morning, I shut it off like I normally do, rested before getting up like I normally do, but instead of resting for 3 minutes, I rested for 19 minutes, which resulted in the girls and Matt getting up late. They did manage to catch the bus on time and here I sit updating my blog on time, so hopefully the late pattern has ended.

What's under the bed?...
Leftover portrait pictures of Zoe from 8 months to 3 years old, and of Emily from 4 months to a year old...I'll put with my other leftover portrait pictures.
A shoe box filled with computer CD's and disks, which I will have Matt go through.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I'm glad your priorities are in order and you got the blog done on time!

I have located Maryam with Google's help and will plan to call her soon. I'll update on my blog. Exciting! 45 years later!