Thursday, October 26, 2006


Zoe and Emily had a fundraiser that we participated in (we meaning my mom and I!) and the items were available to pick up yesterday at Zoe's school. Zoe was VERY anxious to go get the items because she wanted her prize...for all the hard work my mom and I did for her. The lady had no problem finding Emily's box, but Zoe's box was nowhere to be found, so I had a very sad Zoe with no prize to take back home. She did very well though when Emily got her prize and was playing with it. I told Zoe that by the time she gets her prize, Emily's prize will be old and Emily will probably be crying for a new prize when Zoe's gets hers. I think that helped cheer her up a the fact that I let her eat some chocolate. I hope her box is found soon!

What's under the bed?...
Christmas wrapping paper!...I'm glad I found it since I will be needing it soon :-)

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