Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Loving the hotel!

Zoe had a good day at Camp Kieve and Kate, Noah & I had a good day here in Bath. We went swimming in the pool and relaxed in the whirlpool. :-) The kids watched shows on PBS while I worked on my Sharing Time lesson and played on my Xoom. We went for a walk and discovered that we are right next to a library! Kate & Noah played and colored at the library and then I read them a book before we left.

Kate & Noah love being at the hotel! So far, it has been pretty delightful and relaxing for me, too. Except for sleeping. Noah fell out of bed last night, so I spent the rest of the night watching over him, so he wouldn't fall again. I was tempted to make him sleep on the floor tonight. Instead, I put him on the other side of the bed away from the night stand and put pillows on the floor for a softer landing.

Zoe didn't mention any of the activities she did today, but I know that yesterday she did some indoor rock climbing and she played capture the flag. I also know that she was more tired tonight than last night. The same goes for me!

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