Monday, April 02, 2007


An unforgettable dream...the dream that is coming to my mind I shared here (last paragraph). The feeling I had of owning a home with a lot more space than we have now has stayed with me. I can still see myself going through the home and just being awed by the space. Since this is a dream I have shared once before, I went through my college English class journal to see if I had written about any dreams and lo and behold I did! So here's a dream I recorded on November 12, 1993...

"I had the strangest dream last night!" I dreamed it was my wedding day, but I was having a double wedding with a lady I didn't even know. As we were walking down the aisle, I kept tripping and people kept stepping on my train. These girls put their shoes in the middle of the aisle so I couldn't get by. I kicked the shoes out of the way and kept on walking in circles. Then I was standing with my mother and some friends that I haven't seen in ages were there. I hugged this guy (who was married) and started crying because I couldn't believe he was there. Then I saw another lady I know that moved away. They acted like they were there, but didn't know I was there until they saw me. They were surprised I was in a wedding gown. Then we were at our reception and I left to go into the next room for church, but I was still in my dress and the wedding reception was still going on. In church, there weren't enough men to pass the Sacrament, so the women were doing it. I was sitting where the people bless the Sacrament. I was sitting there and I remembered my reception was going on and thought that my husband was going to be mad at me because I wasn't with him! I got up to leave and as I was walking by these boys threw some fire at me and my veil was on fire. Someone ran over to me to put it out and then my finger was on fire. I ran to the water fountain to put it out. It just left a tiny blister. I walked into the reception and noticed my husband had walked through a door in the back with his normal clothes on. I walked over to him and asked him why he had changed. I walked out the door, mad, and some guy said, "So much for true love". My husband caught up to me and we walked into our hotel room. I asked him if we were going anywhere for our honeymoon and he said "no" because we didn't have the time or money. We had gotten married before June, and he said if we had gotten married in June we would have. We went to sleep, and I woke up!"

I don't remember this dream at all now, but obviously I remembered it in great detail shortly after I dreamed it. The church part of this dream triggered part of a dream I had last night. I was at church with Eleanor and I was getting things ready for Primary during the 2nd hour. I realized that Eleanor should be in her class, so I took her to her classroom. But it was dark and no one was in the room. I realized that her teacher wasn't there and Eleanor was the only kid at church who was in her class, so I headed back down to the Primary room with her. As I was going down the hall, I looked into the gym through the window and there was a basketball game going on...this made sense to me in my dream that the reason Eleanor wasn't having class was because the basketball game was going on in her classroom. When I got down to the Primary room, it turned into a fair-like setting and my parents were sitting at a picnic table eating a grilled chicken sandwich that looked good, so my Dad went to get me one. The weather was cool and damp and I looked forward to my sandwich, but then I woke up.

I'm surprised I didn't dream about skunks last night after Matt shot one outside our home. It smells like he shot it inside our home! Yuck.


Kris said...

Wow, you have a good memory. Dreams are fascinating, I think. Isn't it funny when something reminds you the next day (or later) of a dream... My favorite is realizing that a bad (or embarrassing) dream was ONLY A DREAM! Thank goodness!

dawnae said...

Okay, I just know that all the shoes in the aisle mean something really really important! :) This was so fun to read thanks for sharing!

Phae-Jae said...

Dreams can be so strange and funny.

Ohh, we had a skunk smell like that once. There is NO escaping it or getting used to it!

Rachelle said...

That was so much fun to read!