Thursday, April 19, 2007

A First

Zoe went to her second Primary activity day last night for 8-11 year olds. She is really excited about the program and she loves to go to the activities. My mom is the leader, so that is a plus for Zoe. I went into their activity room last night while they were having a snack to say goodbye to Zoe since she was going home with her friend to spend the night. I asked her about a toy she wanted to bring with her, she said it was in the car. I told her if she wanted it that she needed to go get it. Then she basically said, "I don't need to bring it, you can leave now Mom." That was the first time I was not welcome in her presence around her friends. I figured it would happen eventually, but I was hoping she would be an exception. *Sigh* I think I have entered the world of Moms who are an embarrassment to their child.


Cindy said...

Welcome to the club! We have jackets! Just wait until your son won't kiss you good night anymore..........cuts right to the heart! On the other hand, part of our job is to raise them so that they can be on their own and these are the first signs of that, no matter how hard they are on us! No one told me that being a mom could be so heartbreaking at times!

Cindy said...

Oh, I forgot, you're in the same branch/ward as your parents? Are you still in the Ellsworth Branch?

Phae-Jae said...

Poor momma. :)

Janae said...

This is always a sad day coming :(
Luckily, they still need us when they need us though. :)

Dawn said...

I hope your headache stayed away. I can't imagine taking 5 kids to the grocery store. I saw a lady today at Sam's with 5, but I think she was a dare care mom, because they were all pretty much the same size. They were being so good! I take Care Bear and Feisty and forget how hard it used to be. They're good, and take no for an answer pretty well, but it's still stressful. I forget stuff when I'm not by myself.