Monday, April 23, 2007

Random Monday

When I woke up this morning Matt had the washer started and Zach was in the tub. Sometime last night Zach pooped, took his pajamas off and had poop all over him. Plus it smelled and looked like he had thrown up as well. Matt had most everything cleaned up by the time I got up, so I washed Zach up in the tub and got him out. I have such a great husband! Zach has energy today, but he's not eating much.

Kate had her 2 month check-up this morning. She is doing great...although she cries a lot. But she weighs 13lbs 7oz which puts her in the 90th percentile, and she is 23 1/2 inches long which puts her in the 75th percentile. She had 5 shots, so I'm expecting her to sleep a lot today.
It is a beautiful day here, so Eleanor and Zach are in and out to play. I'm doing laundry. I noticed today that a tree outside our window is budding :-)

Zoe, Emily, and Eleanor made up some cheers on Saturday.
M...O...M...That spells Mom!
C...A...T...We don't have a cat...wah!
They each shouted out a letter to spell Mom and then they said together "That spells Mom!" Then Zoe and Emily took turns spelling cat and then said together "We don't have a cat...wah! They are funny ones!

Zach was cracking Zoe and Emily up last Wednesday night in the car when he was singing to a Barbie song. He knew he was making them laugh so he would try to be silly. The nursery leader yesterday said that Zach is turning into the class clown. He was singing and making everyone laugh.

After Sacrament meeting yesterday Zach followed the girls out of the chapel. I found him standing in front of his nursery door waiting for someone to open it. Yay! He finally likes going to nursery!
Zoe likes to sit on my lap during Sacrament meeting. I let her since someday soon she will be too embarrassed to sit BY me.
Eleanor gave her first talk in Primary yesterday. She talked about Joseph Smith because she loves reading about him. She talked right into the microphone and did a great job!

Emily would make a great movie critic. She LOVES to talk about the movies she has seen. She could go on and on and on...

Emily and Eleanor are my chocolate/candy lovers. If there is candy around it is hard to get them to eat anything else. Zoe on the other hand will eat healthy food even when candy is around.

Kate likes to be warm and bundled. She falls asleep when I get her snowsuit on and put her in her carseat with her binky. Matt has discovered that she likes a blanket over her, including her head. She goes to sleep when he holds her and covers her completely with a blanket. I'm hoping she will turn into a super happy baby when the hot weather arrives!

Last night Eleanor got all excited and said, "When I'm 4, I get to do the dishes!...And when I'm 18, I will get some pills!" (meaning flouride pills) Yes, those are definitely things to get excited about.


Doug said...

This morning Vivien dropped a cup of milk on the (tile) kitchen floor (with malice aforethought). But I guess it doesn't really compare to poop and throw up in the bed. Yuck!

Kristen said...

Care Bear came home from pre-school yesterday throwing up and threw up serveral times before morning, too. No fun!!

Your kids are characters, that's for sure!! ;-)

Janae said...

I guess I should be grateful for the milk instead of throw up. Poor Zach! :( I hope he is feeling better quickly. Eleanor and Vivien have a similar train of thought. I liked your girls cheer!