Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Which Austen Heroine are you?

I am Elinor Dashwood!

Take the Quiz here!

:: E L I N O R ::

You are Elinor Dashwood of Sense & Sensibility!
You are practical, circumspect, and discreet.
Though you are tremendously sensible and allow your head to rule,
you have a deep, emotional side that few people often see.


Phae-Jae said...

I am Elinor too!

I watched Pride and Prejudice this weekend. The older one.

Matt said...

I am Fanny Price!

I don't know exactly who Fanny Price is, to tell the truth.

It was a funny quiz though.

Doug said...

Chalk up another Fanny Price.

dawnae said...

Doug and Matt are Fanny? wow...I never knew you guys had such a feminine side...awwww

Janae said...

Mine said I was Marianne Dashwood. I am not sure who she was though in the movie...oh well.