Friday, January 26, 2007

Goodbye due date

The routine around here in the evening when Matt is home is for Matt to get the kids ready for bed and I clean up the kitchen. Last night Zoe was ready for bed early so she asked if she could sweep the kitchen floor. I have to admit that my first thought was no because she wouldn't do as good of a job as I would, but then I decided that it was better for her to help me and have the floor not as clean. She is actually a good sweeper and she was very thorough. When Emily was ready for bed she wanted to help with the floor too. So Emily got out the dustpan and cleaned up the dirt Zoe had swept into a pile. Then Eleanor joined in when I gave Zoe and Emily each a wipe to wash the floor with. They were having so much fun that I had to pry them away from cleaning to get them in bed. I'm glad I said yes to the help. It lightened my work load, gave the girls the chance to serve, and proved to me that cleaning the floor can now become a new chore for them :-)

My due date has come and is now almost gone and no baby yet. I'm not surprised. Zoe is my only child that was born before her due date...because she was yanked out feet first during my scheduled c-section. Since my c-section was because of Zoe's position and had nothing to do with me, I was able to have a VBAC (vaginal birth after ceasarean) with Emily. She was born 7 days after her due date. Eleanor was born 6 days late. We had a pattern going, so Zach would be born 5 days late...or 10! I'm thinking that this baby will not be born before Thursday, which would make her 6 days late. I'm guessing she'll be born on Saturday February 3rd. What do you think? I can't really blame the baby for wanting to stay where it is warm and comfy. It's very cold outside and she'll be fussed over a lot by her siblings. Eleanor already tries to hold her by putting her arms around my belly.


Donna said...

You can have the baby late, as long as she's born before the 23rd of February....she couldn't possibly be THAT late!! I want to hold her and rock her when we come up - move over grandma!!

Dawn said...

February 3 sounds good, but January 27 sounds better for you!

Care Bear and Feisty had to sweep the kitchen floor for me the other day - so cute. But I had to watch the broom handle as it swung around or somebody could get hurt!

Kelly said...

ISn't it funny how interesting a complete stranger's blog can be? I too had my first c-section and my next to were VBAC. I love to hear of other people with VBACs because so often I hear women say that since they had a c-section the rest will be too especially if the baby is large. I always want to scream, "Not so!" I don't, but I want to. My first VBAC baby was 3 days late and over 9 pounds. My next baby was 10 days late so hang in there!