Thursday, January 11, 2007

Day 1 with no binky

Zach went the entire day today without his binky, which is a major deal! I hid it when he was eating his breakfast and then I distracted him with toys when he was done eating and he wanted his binky back. When we left for playgroup and to run some errands, I distracted him with crackers when he wanted his binky. When we got home and he fell walking to the house, he didn't ask for his binky, but Eleanor comforted him by telling him he could have his binky when we got inside the house. I told Eleanor Zach didn't need his binky and I told her we weren't going to talk about his binky anymore. They both forgot about it when they ate lunch and then played. Matt and I thought Zach might go to bed without his binky when he got into bed happily with a book, but he soon asked for his binky and I gave it to him. That was my intention all along, to only give him the binky at bedtime, so I succeeded :-) And Zach was very happy to lay down and go to sleep after I gave him his binky.
It was nice to hear Zach jibber-jabbering all day today. At playgroup when we were playing with legos, Zach would say "push" whenever he would put a lego on top of another. He may have said it before, but we could never understand him with the binky in his mouth.
Sidenote: I find it very interesting that binkies are coming out of the woodwork now that I'm limiting their use.


Rachelle said...

We're going to be going to binky boot camp ourselves in a few months. It's something I dread!

Gabriela said...

Good job on day 1! None of my kids have ever taken to the binky-much to my displeasure. We do have a "kiki" (my three year old's blanket) that has some amazing hold on the kid!

Kristen said...

Yay for Zach! And good for you! It's so hard to get them to get rid of their security items. Sounds like you're having success!