Friday, June 01, 2007

A new blog in town

My friend Courtney has been pressured into blogland. She's very pregnant and ready to have her baby boy. Her oldest daughter, Lucy is Eleanor's best friend. Her daughter Emma is going to marry Zach and her new baby Spencer is going to marry Kate...they just don't know it yet! Speaking of Kate, I just gave her a talking to about all the crying she insists on doing. I'm tired of it. I have plans this morning to clean up the house before a playdate next door and I need cooperation from Kate to accomplish my plan. Be happy Kate!...This sentence reminds me of the grumpy and happy bags Eleanor was using the other day. One bag had a smiley face and the other bag had a sad face, which Eleanor termed as grumpy. I was annoyed with Zoe and Emily so Eleanor asked, "Are you grumpy Mom?" and she gave me the grumpy face bag to hold. A few minutes later she takes the grumpy bag and asks, "Are you happy now"...I wasn't really happy, but I forced a smile and said yes. She handed the happy bag to me. A few minutes later Eleanor caught me scowling at Zoe and Emily, she walks over to me, yanks the happy bag out of my hand and puts the grumpy bag back in my hand. She wasn't fooled for long!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

THAT'S funny!