Thursday, February 18, 2010

Use it or Lose it

I've known for awhile that I need to get rid of my aerobic exercise equipment since my body rejects that kind of workout now, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Maybe I would find a modified workout to do that my body would allow or maybe I could just use my weights, plus I would think about the money spent on this equipment.

The last few weeks I have been thinking about using our rowing machine, but I have been out of the habit of exercising for a long time, so I never got past the thinking stage...until yesterday. I set up the rowing machine in the afternoon, waited until the kids all had a turn using it, and then I rowed 500 meters. I loved it! I've rowed a few times before, but I've always been set on doing my aerobic workouts. Not anymore. I am saying goodbye to all of my aerobic equipment. I feel lighter already. :-) It's time to get our moneys worth out of the rowing machine. I also like the fact that the kids love to row, so they will get a workout in every day, too.


Kris said...

That sounds good! It's hard to let go of things sometimes... but always feels good once you make the leap. I have never tried a rowing machine... I think it's cool the kids like it too!

mindyluwho said...

I've missed reading your posts! I've taken a break from the blog world and just caught up. I love reading about your family and that you record your struggles with being a mom along with the joys of it all. You make me want to be a better mom!

As for exercise, I've been doing it with my girls and we've been having so much fun doing it together (most of the time, except when they complain too much, which is most of the time!). But still, we've enjoyed it because we rotate through a variety of things so that it's not always the same boring routine. I think that finding something you will enjoy doing, as you have, is the best way to do it!