Tuesday, September 19, 2006

What's under the bed?...

One of my strengths is goal setting. I set a goal and the majority of the time, I meet the goal. I've been wanting to clean under our bed for a long time now, but the thought of taking everything out at once, going through it, and finding a new place for everything sounds exhausting and frankly impossible with 4 kids needing my attention every two seconds and my energy level is low due to pregnancy. So, I had the thought several nights ago to take one thing out from under the bed a day, decide if we need to keep it, then find a place for it to go if it's a keeper. Well for the next few days, I wouldn't think to take something out from under the bed until I was in bed, ready to go to sleep. But last night I had the thought to do it in the morning and then blog about it. So here I am this morning doing just that. The first item to come out from under the bed is...

a cigar box. When I married Matt, I discovered he liked collecting cigar boxes. Luckily, we only have a few because we don't share the same interest in collecting cigar boxes...which is probably why it's under the bed! I've come to a halt here in my goal because the rule in decluttering is that you can't simplify something that is not yours...unfortunately. Now I have to wait for Matt to go through what's in the box...old business cards, an old Borders gift card (which I hope was used), an old truck key, old receipts...and decide what he wants to keep. At least I've done my part and the ball to a cleaner room is rolling.


Dawn said...

Good luck decluttering! I definitely need to do that in several places in my house.

Lei said...

I have the decluttering itch too. Thankfully I don't have to wait on my husband to accomplish it - then I think it would never get done. Good luck!

Doug said...

Wow, I sense a new generation rising: a new generation of stories about the cool leather jacket that was thrown out in the name of "decluttering."