Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Written yesterday, 4/30/07

I'm not sure when she started visiting. The young woman who reminded me of a sister missionary going door to door to share a message that was dear to her heart. She stopped by my home from time to time to leave a pamphlet and to share a smile. She was friendly and kind, she would never stay for more than a few minutes. She would ask me how I was doing and share a brief message. Her visits were very infrequent and it would always surprise me when she would appear at my door, still does. She is the one who caught me in my pajamas last Monday, her and a friend. Here to offer a book that would guide people to the Bible to learn what it REALLY is about. She encouraged me to look through the book and study a topic of interest. She asked if she could stop by again to discuss what I have read and I said yes. I thanked her for the book and said goodbye as they left. I have read bits and pieces of the pamphlets given to me in the past. Always coming to a point of differing views and beliefs. This book was no different. I decided to start at the beginning. Reading as I sit for a moment to eat lunch. Finding that I look forward to our next visit to discuss our similar beliefs and differences. She has a new friend with her today. An older Mom who is just as friendly and nice as her. I invite them to sit and we start. They open their books, but mine is quickly taken by Eleanor, then Zach. I listen and answer questions. I enjoy the adult conversation. I read Proverbs 2:1-5 out loud as I wonder if their Bible says the same thing. We discuss how better the world would be if we would seek knowledge from the Bible just as we seek for riches and status. As we are talking I think about Joseph Smith. He has been on my mind due to Sharing Time. A light and warmth surround me as I ponder my testimony. Yes, I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. And not only do I have the Bible to guide me, but a prophet as well. How blessed I am. Blessed that I have known from childhood the purpose of my life. Blessed with knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father and Savior. Blessed to know that there is opposition in all things. Bad things will happen, but peace and comfort can be found. Blessed to have a new friend to share these blessings with.


Janae said...

Joey, Great post. Beautifully written.

Phae-Jae said...

You are such a gracious person. It really comes through in your writing.

Beautiful post, thank you.