Friday, August 18, 2006


I've been thinking all morning that it is Thursday, so I was going to post a "Thursday Thirteen" list, but guess what?'s FRIDAY! When I realized it was Friday, I thought about the babycenter site because today starts my 17th week of pregnancy. So, the food our baby is compared to this week is a large onion. I guess that would be an onion bigger than an avacado.
Speaking of food...Zoe and Emily are hungry. They don't seem to get hungry until I am doing something that I don't want to stop doing. I just asked them why that is and Zoe says it's because they get bored watching me doing what I'm doing. So, when they're bored they get hungry...yeah, that is why we eat sometimes. They were very content a few minutes ago playing paper dolls while I was doing the dishes. I would have gladly stopped doing the dishes to get them something to eat.

Zach has had enough of the girls having their own chairs in the living room, but not him. He took matters into his own hands by bringing Zoe's old "blue's clues thinking chair" from the bedroom down the hall into the living room to sit on. It fits him very well.

1 comment:

Sabra at Sew a Straight Line said...

thanks to work, i always know what day it is. good and bad, i guess. lol at your girls explanation for "timely" hunger. k seems to get envy hungry since he always needs something when i sit down to nurse S.