Monday, August 14, 2006

Signs of growing up

Today Emily wanted me to play Strawberry Shortcake dolls with her, but I was eating lunch and then I wanted to put away some laundry, so I told her no. Then she asked Zoe, but Zoe was busy eating lunch. Emily asked us several times and she kept getting the same answer. Zoe held up 4 fingers and asked Emily how many fingers she was holding up, and Emily said 4. Then Zoe came back with, "Good, we know you can see, so that means you can SEE that we are eating, so we're not going to play with you right now."

Emily lost her first tooth this afternoon. She was freaking out a bit before it came out when it started bleeding, but she was very happy when it fell out.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Clever little girl! Sounds like my granddaughter, known as Care Bear. Check out Mama's So Called Life, on my blogroll. I don't know how to do the fancy stuff.