Injury #3 for Noah
Strike 3
Noah proves the theory that all things come in 3's
So much for waiting for Noah to heal for his 2 year picture
Noah, stop giving me blogging material!
At this rate, Noah is going to end up in a body cast
Will Noah live to see the age of 3?
Toothless Noah
Here are all 3 wounds.
What happened this time, you wonder? He was running (Noah doesn't walk anymore, he just runs everywhere) into my parents' bedroom when he tripped and his face landed on the side of their bed. I was on the computer when my Dad came rushing into the kitchen with Noah, announcing that Noah was missing a tooth. Another injury? Great. I hate dealing with injuries when Matt isn't around. He's much better at it than I am. I looked Noah over, cleaned him up as best as I could, tried to put some ice on his lip, and cuddled with him. He has a missing front tooth, his lip is swollen and cut, and his chin is cut and bruised. We never found the tooth, so we are assuming he swallowed it.
Noah, please, please, please stop hurting yourself. I don't think I can handle another injury.
Oh my GOSH! That boy needs to be locked in a padded room!
Oh! Poor kid! Well, just hope this means he'll be more calm when he's older.
I am so sorry. That makes me sad. I hope that is all for a long, long, long time!
Oh, wow. He reminds me of one of my nephews - an accident waiting to happen because he was so fearless. Sorry about the tooth! He'll have a gap for a long time. I have a four year old grand nephew who has the same little hole.
Your doctor was a prophet!
I hope he's gotten in his three and will give it a rest for a while. Poor kid.
My little brother broke his arm when he was 4, and probably a week after getting that cast off, he broke his foot. He also fell and jammed his front tooth back up into his gums...
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