Kate & Savannah
Leif, Eleanor, & Zoe
We went into the Visitor's Center to cool off and to look at this awesome model of the Salt Lake Temple.
Then we went back out into the heat for pictures in front of the real Salt Lake Temple. A nice man offered to take the picture, so Kris could be in the picture, too. :-) More water to play in. We had planned to go into the Conference Center, but by this time, the kids were hot, thirsty, hungry, and ready to leave Temple Square.
Zach & Finn
They are having fun getting to know each other. They think it is so cool that they are both 5!
There was a loud cheer when we told the kids we were going to hang out at Kris' house for awhile. More cousin time!
We ate dinner with Steve & Janet before Zoe left to sleep over at "Sarah's" house and Emily & Eleanor left to sleep over at "Ava & Vivi's" house. Matt & I took Zach, Kate, & Noah to a park before getting them ready for bed. Notice Noah's new sandals. I forgot his shoes this morning when we went to Temple Square, so we went to the Gap and lucked out finding these sandals that not only look good and fit, but they were on sale. :-)
Is that an actual replica??? I didn't know the temple had a spiral staircase! Now I want to go see THAT!!!
Looks like you are having a fun time. How long are you out there for? We just came from Logan, my parents live there. The weather was perfect, and it was so pretty, and GREEN! Though, you are probably used to green. We were very impressed with it! Have a great vacation!
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