Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Happy Birthday, Matt!

We love you!

Zach had his first ride home on the school bus today. Matt needed the Yukon to get to work today. I was able to drop the kids off at school this morning, but they rode the bus home. Zach, Emily, and Eleanor would love to ride the bus more often, but Zoe likes having me pick them up because then they get home earlier.

Zoe made the school soccer team! She is one of two 6th graders who will get to play in all of the games. The rest of the 6th graders are alternates and will play in half of the games. Zoe is very excited! She received her soccer uniform this evening, so she proudly modeled it for us.

We are excited to see you play, Zoe!


Kris said...


and congratulations Zoe! way to go!!

Mal said...

Rock on, Zoe!

So, Matt, you're what--55? 60 now? Something like that?

Ashley Collins said...

That's awesome for Zoe! She will have so much fun! And tell Matt Happy Birthday :)

Doug said...

Happy Birthday, Matt!