Thursday, May 27, 2010

The End

We lost our game this evening. This loss wasn't as disappointing as the last one, though. Losing against a team that we have beat all season long was hard, but losing against a team we have lost to all season (except for one game) is easier to take. I have no idea what the score was. I just know it was a lot to a little. Zoe pitched, and she made a great catch! The ball looked like it was going to go right over her head, but she jumped up and caught it. :-) Emily had a chance to field the ball in the outfield and throw it to second base. I am so proud of my own girls and all of the girls on my team. I couldn't have asked for a better group of girls to coach during my first season. I also couldn't have asked for better assistant coaches. We were an all girl team. :-)

I dreaded the start of this softball season, but I will be anxious to get the season started next Spring!

Zoe loves pitching and she is a good pitcher. She has a problem, though. Her knee is starting to bother her from pitching. That is not good. She doesn't want to give up pitching and I'd like her to keep pitching, but we can't afford a knee problem. I'm sure she'll continue to pitch, but we'll have to make sure we are doing everything we can to stop her knee from getting worse...everything would be not having her pitch, right?

My mom and I took Zoe and Emily to McDonalds after the game. We had a fun time together. :-) Emily wants to keep me as a coach, but Zoe wants to fire me because I yelled at her and stressed her out tonight. The last 2 games have been pretty intense! I told her she could go play for the Rosens where the coach yells all the time. She was all for it since her friend is on the team. Traitor!


Dawn said...

Sounds like a good experience for all of you. Maybe somebody could give Zoe some pointers on how to change her stance so her knee wouldn't be injured. It would be a shame for her to not be able to pitch if she's good at it and likes doing it!

Love the new look of your picture wall - it's so hard to keep so many pictures straight - and I don't even try to keep them dusted - bad me!!

Matt said...

Of course I find this after the season, but there is no end to You Tube coaching videos.

Kris said...

Bummer that you lost, but I'm glad you had such a fun season. i have no idea about the knee thing... that is no good!