Saturday, February 05, 2011

Cough, Cough, Cough

Matt and Zach are the only 2 who aren't coughing, stuffed up, wiping runny noses, and feeling run down. Just when I think I am on the mend, I start feeling sick again. I really hope Kate starts to feel better for her birthday tomorrow!

The kids did have a snow day on Wednesday. I thought the day of rest would have Emily and Eleanor back to school, but they ended up staying home Thursday and Friday. Eleanor's teacher said that all of Eleanor's class has been sick and when they come back, they are still coughing and not feeling well, so it hasn't been a productive week for them. Zoe bounced back pretty quick and still hasn't missed a day of school. She isn't 100% healthy, but she feels better than some of us.

Zoe and Zach have spent some time sliding down our snowbank. It's hard to tell, but this picture shows Zoe and Zach standing on top of the snowbank.

I felt pretty good on Thursday, so Matt and I went on our planned datenight. It felt good to get out of the house and have a peaceful dinner at Pizzeria Uno.

Last night, I took Zach and Zoe to the movie night at the school. We watched "The Tale of Desperaux". Families brought sleeping bags, blankets, and pillows to lay on the gym floor. There were mats available, too to lay on. The kids ate popcorn while they watched the first half of the movie and then there was a break for pizza. During the break, I went into the cafeteria to look at 3 different math programs that the school board is considering to replace the existing math program. I missed the end the movie, so now I'll have to get the movie, so I can see how it ends.

When we got home from the movie, Matt was ready to head out for his February winter camping.

The kids like to be told funny stories and they enjoy remembering funny things that have been said in our family. I haven't recorded any funny moments lately, so here is a new moment to remember. After snot came flying out of Eleanor's nose yesterday and landed on the floor she was amazed and said, "And now I know how powerful snot can be!"

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Sorry you've all been sick - yuck! That is a bunch of snow - we had 2 days off with no snow, no wind, no ice, just cold. Crazy.