The kids are expected to put all of the candy that they find in the plastic eggs in one big bowl to share, but they can collect the plastic eggs that they find. Emily is very proud of all the eggs she found.
Breakfast on Easter morning is so yummy!
The kids got ready for the day and then we colored Easter eggs.
We are now at my parents' house getting ready to watch General Conference. Not only do we have conference to look forward to, but we are going to have a ham dinner in between sessions of conference. Yum!
The kids did really well during conference yesterday. We came over to my parents' house where there was food out for us to munch on, my mom made a tent for the kids to sit under while they watched conference, they had paper, coloring pages, puzzles, and other toys to play with, and we had a bowl of candy bars and other candy out that they could indulge in if they heard the word that we had picked out for them to listen for during each talk. We picked a different word before each talk and they could only get one piece of candy or one candy bar per talk. It helped me to pay attention! Each talk gave us ideas for future words, too. Matt and I took the kids to the park between sessions. It was such a beautiful day and it was nice to get up and move around.
Matt and Zoe went canoeing yesterday before conference.
We no longer have internet at home, so my goal is to blog once a week from my parents' house. It will either be on Saturday or Sunday.
Last week was rough for many of us. We are dealing with health, financial, emotional, and spiritual issues. Our friend, Roy came over one day to fix our furnace. He had an audience while he worked.
I completed my one on one time goal...sort of. Zoe and I went out last Friday night and we had a lot of fun. Zoe did some shopping and she treated us to an ice cream cone at the mall. I have really enjoyed the one on one time I have had with each child. I didn't get out with Kate and Noah, but I did spend time with each of them inside, reading to them. That is special time, too.
I have focused this week on counting BoxTops since I didn't have any lessons to prepare and it is my last week off before softball practices begin. It only took me a few days to count the BoxTops, so I've also been reading and puttering around.
Matt and I met with Eleanor's teacher, Miss Gould Tuesday evening. Eleanor is doing great in school! Her reading has improved a lot since the beginning of the school year. She has been working hard at it.
We made a new Family Home Evening wheel, so the entire family is now participating. We added Article of Faith and a closing prayer to our wheel and Family Home Evening. Whoever is on the Article of Faith gets to pick which Article of Faith he/she wants to read or recite and then we all read or recite that Article of Faith. Kate loves being a part of FHE now!
Hi Joey,
I'm sad to hear you guys had such a rough week. I hope things are looking up. It sounds like you're in the midst of a great Conference/Easter weekend, so that is very good! We love you and can't wait to see you in a few short months!!!!!
ps. I like the article of faith idea, that's a good one! I'm glad you took time to update the blog today, I've been thinking of you!
Hello! sounds like you guys had a nice Easter. I'm jealous of the American candy-my kids all complained about the Brazilian chocolate. Apperntly the Easter Bunny wasn't able to get us any American candy this year. :)
That's a great FHE idea (including an Article of Faith every week).
I'm glad you're figuring out how to have one on one time with the kids - that's a very good goal.
Sorry you've lost your internet again - I know it's easier when it's at your house. But I know you'll keep in touch.
Sorry I haven't been over in so long!
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