Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Go, go, go

My goal this fall is to keep Eleanor busy. Since we have a car and the weather is gorgeous most days, it's a great opportunity to be out and about...except for Monday which is still laundry day. Today was the first story/craft time at the Bangor library for 4 & 5 year olds. This activity appealed to me because I was able to drop Eleanor off in the children's room while Zach, Kate, and I spent time looking at books and playing with the toys. Eleanor had a great time learning about cats and then making her own paper cat today.

And here is Zach happy at play.

We went to the park and without planning it, ended up at the park across the street from Matt's work, so Matt came to visit us for a few minutes. Eleanor made a friend at the park and they got along great. I'm glad we got to spend some of this beautiful day outside.

So the rest of our schedule will look something like this:
Wednesday: Story time at the Bucksport library and then go to the park if it's nice with "the gang" (which these days consists of Eleanor, Zach, Kate, Harry, Connor, and Lauren)

Thursday: Get together with Courtney or go to the Children's Discovery Museum or go to a local playgroup for babies and toddlers

Friday: Get together with "the gang" plus another Mom we have recently met...she has a 4 year old daughter who Eleanor just loves to play with, plus she has a 2 year old daughter. The Mom's name is Christy and she is going to have another baby in February, and so is Andrea! Andrea is having a girl!!! "The gang" is growing. :-)


Dawn said...

I really miss taking the kids to the library, since I work all mornings now. It was our Friday routine - then KFC and sometimes the DQ! Such fun days.

They always have a craft to go along with the story time subject. Care Bear was not really interested in sitting and listening to the story - she would sit there and dive right into the craft without waiting for directions - and did pretty well! She's a very creative little girl.

Kris said...

The library is great. Sounds like you have a lot of fun plans!

Janae said...

Eleanor looks so darling in all these shots! What a fun day:)