Monday, June 29, 2009

Play and Work go well together

After a week of lazy summeritis, I am ready to enforce productivity in myself and the kids. I got up a little past 6:00 this morning and EXERCISED! That hasn't happened in a long time. Aimee gave me a yoga mat and a Cardio Pilates video awhile ago, so I put the video in this morning and realized how out of shape I am! Eleanor watched me exercise and then stated the obvious that the lady on the video was better than I was. I never have to worry about Eleanor holding back the truth. I didn't get to finish the video because Noah woke up, but I figure I will do as much of the video each morning that I can and maybe someday I will be as good as the instructor...maybe.

Eleanor was very much awake this morning when I got up since she had woken up from nightmares around 2:30am and she refused to go back to sleep. She looked at books, watched movies, and did who knows what else while the rest of us slept. I thought she would fall back asleep eventually, but she didn't. Just a little while ago I asked what was up with her today because she has been in a mood. She reminded me that she has been awake for a long time. Oh yeah.

I made sure the kids got ready for the day this morning and cleaned up their room. The TV didn't come back on after they got ready for the day. They were content to play (with some nintendo play in there, too). Zoe and Emily worked on their new Faith in God goal that they set last night. Zoe is working on finishing whatever project or task she starts everyday. For example, she made a card for her cousin Lilli last week, but that is as far as the card got, so she put it in an envelope today, addressed the envelope, put a stamp on the envelope, and she mailed it. Emily is working on being more neat in her handwriting and doing a better job of putting things away where they actually go. So today, she made a thank you card to work on her writing.

Whether the kids want to admit it or not, they like having structure and somewhat of a schedule during the summer. It makes us all feel better.

Matt isn't feeling too well, though. We knew he wasn't feeling well last night when he was cold and I wasn't. He went to work today, but I think he'll be home early this afternoon.


Janae said...

Summer does seem to go better when there is at least some's just hard to always implement it here at our house.
Lilli will be excited to see a card:)
It sounds like you guys have been busy. The face painting pictures are really cute!
Poor Eleanor (and you) with the bad dream issue. we have that sometimes too but, i've always managed to get them back to sleep. i think that is amazing that she was not going back to sleep! No wonder she's not herself today:)

LaRae said...

We've had 3 weeks of summer now & still can't get into much of a routine - unless you count watching TV and staying in your pajamas all day as a routine. I have turned the TV off some days & it is nice to see how the kids have no problem engaging in other activities once the issue is forced. It's nice to lose some of the structure of the school year, but the kids definitely need something, don't they?

I can't believe Eleanor stayed up all by herself! It seems like that would more scary than going to sleep - silly girl.

Anonymous said...

I needed a little structure during my summers. Otherwise I just ended up getting board. Keeping things like morning scripture reading and even chores really consistent (not even a change in the time) really helped me out. Then I had a bunch of the day to go swimming or read or something.

Kris said...

I hope Matt feels better soon!

Good job on the play and work plan!

Dawn said...

I love the candidness of kids. Except when Care Bear tells me that my arms are fat - which they are!!

I have been watching your weather closely and feeling sorry for Kev out there getting so wet every day. Yikes, it's been wild! I hope you get some sunshine that will last more than a day. But then I suppose it'll be really hot and humid.

Gabriela said...

Exercising at 6:00 am? Wow-that's ambitious.

I can't believe Elenor didn't go back to sleep-and that she was in a good mood during the day.

My kids have no structure yet-but we only have a 6 week summer. They have been doing a few chores a day but nothing to set.

Hope Matt feels better soon!