Monday, January 10, 2011

A Lost Tooth, Swimming, & More Sickness

When I mentioned some highlights from last Tuesday, I forgot to mention that Eleanor FINALLY lost her top front tooth that had been barely hanging on for a few weeks. Matt wanted to yank it out for her, but she was having none of that. Eleanor was so happy when the tooth fell out on its own, just the way she wanted it to happen.

I took all of the kids, except Noah, swimming on Saturday. Eleanor passed the deep end test and she was so excited! She went down the big slide and enjoyed being with her older sisters. Zach and Kate put on life jackets and had fun swimming around together in 3 1/2 feet deep water.

Noah is doing well, although he is more sore now that his bandage is mostly off.

Matt was home sick today. He rarely stays home sick, so I know he's really not feeling well when he does stay home. Eleanor stayed home, too, but she wasn't nearly as sick as Matt. Honestly, I don't know if she was sick at all, but with all the sickness going around here, I wasn't going to send her to school when she told me she didn't feel well this morning.

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