Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fun at the Ice Rink

We actually made it to the ice rink this year when the ice wasn't melting and all bumpy! It was COLD, but I was the only one that cared about that.

I watched Kate carefully as she crawled around on the ice since that is exactly how I got the scar on my eyebrow. I was crawling behind my older sister who was skating and her blade came up and hit me right above the eye.


Mal said...

Ouch! I didn't know that's where that came from! (The scar I mean.) Man, that sounds painful. Luckily it didn't get you IN the eye!

I wish we could go to an ice rink without paying a ton--they use more energy to keep it iced over since we don't naturally get that much here in the middle of California.

Kris said...

Hi Joey,
Sorry, I got behind on your blog and haven't commented lately! I am caught up on all of your adventures now. I hope everyone is healthy and feeling well! Matt is crazy to camp every month! and yes, I am cringing too at the thought of the skate blade to the eye(brow). Cute pictures of everybody, that's great the kids love to get out in the snow & on the ice (and basketball court) :)