I'm having fun on the computer this afternoon, but my morning didn't go as planned. I got Zach, Kate, Noah, and myself ready for the day and out the door at 9:20am. We went to Walmart to pick up Kate's pictures and to have Zach's picture taken at 10:00. We arrived a bit early, so we sat on a bench outside of the studio and waited. The studio opens at 10:00, so we watched for the photographer to arrive. We waited and waited and waited. At 10:15, Zach needed to go to the bathroom, so we all went into the bathroom. When we came out, a Walmart employee came over to tell me that the photographer was in the emergency room at the hospital, so I could go to the Bangor studio (I was in Brewer) and they would take Zach's picture there. This would have been fine if I didn't need to be at my parents' house at 12:00, so I could be here when someone came from TimeWarner to fix their internet and phone problem, plus Jerry and Judy were meeting me here for a visit. We left the Brewer Walmart and headed to Bangor, but when I got to Bangor, I realized it was a bad idea to go to a portrait studio that wasn't expecting me when I was pressed for time. So I turned around and headed to my parents' house. Zach was disappointed that he didn't get his picture taken, but he got over it quickly. I'll reschedule his appointment, but I'm done with the 10:00 slot. I do hope the photographer is okay.
May is super busy with softball for Zoe, Farm League for Emily, and T-Ball for Eleanor. This is our first year doing Spring sports. Zoe had a Round Robin on Saturday to kick off the season. It was a learning experience, more for me than Zoe, I think. Softball games at this level take FOREVER to play. I am so grateful that my mom took Zach and Kate to the Children's fair at the school and then she took Emily, Eleanor, Zach, and Kate home with her around 11am because I was at the field from 9am-2pm. I like watching Zoe play, but having to watch a game that didn't include Zoe's team was painful.
A photographer took individual and team pictures before the games began. I took my own pictures.
Here is Zoe in left field...
Zoe's first time up to bat...
She walked. Here's another angle of her up to bat again...
Zoe and Emily are supposed to have practice tonight, but it's raining, so I don't think we're going to venture out. I was hoping the rain would hold off because tonight is Emily's first practice and she's going to miss practice on Thursday to go to Activity Days. Oh well. At least we'll get to visit with my mom instead. Matt is working late tonight.
Kate calls softball "soccer ball!".
For FHE last night, we went to Zoe's game. The games go 7 innings or for 2 hours. It went for 2 hours last night. 2 hours of counting heads, reminding Eleanor and Zach to stay on the grass where we can see them, cheering Zoe on, and freezing. We did wear coats, but it was still cold. Zoe's team won, so they did their victory lap around the bases after the game. The rest of us did our own cheer that the game was finally over!
Zach discovered a visitor near our oil tank yesterday.
I didn't check today to see if it was still there.
It was such a beautiful day yesterday. I pushed the kids on the swings. I had plans to work in the shed, but I never made it in there.
Noah can stand on his own now! He lets go and stands for a few seconds, sometimes longer. I don't have a picture of him standing, but I do have a few pictures of him doing fun things that he shouldn't be doing.
Kate's cookie is super yummy! I was busy updating my calendar when Kate said, "Look at me!" I didn't look right off, so when I did finally look, Noah was covered in Kate's chocolate from the cookie that Kate shared with him and he had a big smile on his face.
Zoe made a digestive system poster last week for her homework.
I tried getting a perfect picture of Zach and Noah in their matching pajamas...
That plan failed, but I did get cute pictures. Speaking of cute...
More conversations with Eleanor...
Eleanor: "Are castles real?"
Me: "Yes."
Eleanor: "Oh! I know who lives in them!...Mr. King and Mrs. King!"
We were going around the table at dinnertime telling one thing about our day when we got to Noah. Eleanor says, "Noah's turn, blah blah, blah he cried, okay, Zoe's turn."
After Eleanor sneezed she informed me, "I blessed you in the morning, I blessed you at lunchtime, I blessed you on the bus."
Me: "Do you know those are called sneezes?"
Eleanor: (laughing) "Oh my gosh! I get mixed up sometimes!"
Eleanor: "I want to marry Nathan." This has really been on her mind lately!
Me: "How does Nathan feel about that?"
Eleanor: "I don't know, I haven't asked him yet."
I wish I had a recorder to record Kate saying, "I want crack!" I thought she was trying to say cracker, but maybe she was trying to say snack. Whatever she was trying to say, she ended up saying crack. Too funny!
I took the kids to a Varsity softball game last Tuesday. The field wasn't where I thought it was, but it was close by, behind the high school, so it didn't take us long to find the game. Noah was very cranky, most of the kids were more interested in playing with the rocks, rolling down the hill, and the dogs at the field, but I enjoyed watching the game. What I saw of it anyway. Zoe watched intently when we first got there, but she lost interest when we went on the hill behind the field. It would be fun to take Zoe to a game by herself and then we could sit and watch the game together. I don't see that happening, though.
My hummingbird feeder is up. :-) I'm still watching for the first hummingbird.
Kate wanted me to push her imaginary friend on the swing last week. She kept saying, "Push her!" and then she would point to the empty swing.
Kate found a binky in the car last week. She was so happy and she stuck it in her mouth, but then she gave it to me when I asked for it and she hasn't seen it since.
Emily got to go over to her friend, Daisy's house last Wednesday. I think the highlight of the evening was dressing as cowgirls and then going to get ice cream at the Dairy Port.
Since I haven't printed pictures since 2005, I've been playing slideshows of our pictures on the computer lately. The kids love to sit and look at the pictures.
Yay...it looks like spring and green grass has arrived in Maine:)
Love the matching jammies!
The conversations are AWESOME! I love what kids come up with.
And Noah is growing so fast!
I'm glad Spring is coming around finally!!
Hahaha! Eleanor cracks me up! "I blessed you in the morning..." that is so funny!
As for Zoe's poster - I knew I had pipe cleaners, pine cones, and pencil erasers in me, but WHERE DID THE SOCK COME IN?!
Tons of great pictures Joey! i love the jammie picture with the boys and Noah on the swing, and Kate in the glasses. All of Zoe's softball ones...really great:)
Lilli has some VERY long games also...softball takes some serious patience out of me.
Congrats to emily! and that was a very cute dress she got. Im laughing that Kate wanted "more crack". Sometimes I love to hear what comes out of kids mouths!
Oh, my goodness, I could not deal with 2 hour softball games and keeping the little ones happy!! yikes.
Zoe has some cool homework projects. Good job!
You are such a good mom to head out to work on the shed...and then push the kids on the swings the whole time instead.
My favorite quote: blah, blah, he cried, OK Zoe's turn! That cracks me up. And I like crack too! :)
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