Sunday, August 08, 2010


This post is about Kate. Noah hasn't given me any new blogging material today. Thank goodness!

Kate wants to be big. Every time she does something on her own, she asks if she is big enough to go in the deep end of the pool by herself. It is so cute. She'll have milk in a big girl cup and then ask, "Can I go in the deep end by myself now?" I keep telling her that when she is 8, she can go in the deep end by herself. At church today, she did something that made her feel big, so she asked if she could go into Alea's primary class. Alea is 6. Kate is always asking if she is big. She is getting bigger and bigger every day. *sigh* Kate is my baby girl. She is at the super cute age of 3 and it makes me sad that she wants to grow up so quickly. Let's enjoy you being 3 right now, Kate! You'll have plenty of time to be big.

1 comment:

Kris said...

I'm glad Noah had a quiet day! Kate is so cute. Three really is a cute age.