Wednesday, October 08, 2008

2 Conferences Down

Matt and I had a nice visit with Emily's teacher yesterday afternoon. Her teacher, Mrs. Wight raved about how wonderful Emily is and how much she enjoys having Emily in her class. I found it a bit hard to talk with Mrs. Wight because she is quiet and really didn't have much to say, but I think she is doing a good job getting the kids off to a good start with their work. At first I thought Emily's homework of reading 20 minutes out loud to a parent or an older sibling 4 days a week was asking too much, but it hasn't been too much and I enjoy that time I have with Emily listening to her read. She is above her reading level and her teacher is aware of that. Our goal for Emily this year is to keep Emily challenged in her reading and spelling. Emily would love to learn cursive writing, which Mrs. Wight encouraged Emily to practice on her own (she already does), but she won't officially learn it until next year. Keep up the good work, Emily! We all find it a pleasure to have you around. :-)


Gabriela said...

Way to go Emily!!!

Julio has 20 minutes of reading out loud each night too. I thought the same thing-but he does well with it.

My conferences are next week-but they were kind and scheduled them all back to back, so I'll be done in an hour!

Anonymous said...

I think reading out loud is a must for students. I think parents should be reading to their kids from day one - okay, maybe year 2, but still, they need it. People talk about how American children are falling behind the world in math and science, but I think it's because we lack the language skills we need to understand math and science better. Start there, and you'll really get to the problem.

Can you tell I've written PAGES on this topic?

Kris said...

It is nice to hear all those good things about Emily! That is great.

We had our parent teacher conferences today too. Do you bring the student too? We do and I always wonder if the teacher may tell us more if the student in question were not listening? (I know I would tell the teacher more if 'the student in question' were not listening!)

Janae said...

Yeah Emily:) That is terrific that she is doing well:)