Saturday, August 09, 2008

A month has gone by already?

Noah turned 1 month old yesterday. Can you believe that? He's turning into an infant already and he's very strong. He smiles occasionally, but we have yet to capture it. He is starting to coo, which is so cute. When he's not eating or getting his diaper changed, he likes to hang out in the Snugli or sleep on my chair. He is still loved by all!

Zoe, Emily, and Eleanor were at Morgan's birthday sleepover when I took Noah's 1 month pictures and then Matt took the camera with him on his overnight boating adventure with Don, Perry, and Perry's sons, so the girls missed out on getting their picture taken with Noah.

Here are some pictures of the girls at Morgan's birthday party.

I picked the girls up yesterday morning and told them that as soon as they got into the car, I would tell them about our fun day planned (It's easier to get them to leave somewhere fun if they have something else that is fun to look forward to!). The fun day included McDonald's, games, movies, and sleeping in the living room. I cleaned all day Thursday and usually I spend my days puttering around the house (when I'm not meeting the demands of the kids), so I declared yesterday a fun day that I would devote to the kids. We got off to a rough start during our brief trip to the grocery store as Eleanor cried, loudly, when Zach got the first cookie, you know, those free cookies for kids under 12 that are supposed to help keep your kids HAPPY, yeah well later on Zach was crying, loudly when Zoe and Emily were trying to help and failing miserably when they suggested Zach and Eleanor trade cookies. Zach was all for it, but Eleanor wasn't, which sent Zach into meltdown mode. Our fun day got even better when a large chocolate milkshake spilled all over me and the car as I pulled into our driveway. Are we having fun yet? Zoe and Emily fought as we played the game Trouble and I finally abandoned them and the game. It turned into a movie afternoon for the kids, and I read my book. It was rainy and cold and blah. The kids were excited to sleep in the living room and looked forward to watching movies until they fell asleep and eating popcorn. Zach had to endure a princess night as we watched "Barbie, The Island Princess" and "Princess Diaries 2". Zoe was the only one who stayed awake through both movies.

I didn't plan on going anywhere today, but after Aimee called me and told me about an awesome shoe sale going on in Ellsworth at Curtis Family Shoe, I decided we better go check out the bargains. My mom came with us and I'm glad she did because Kate was a handful. She tried on all the shoes she could get her hands on and she didn't care what size they were. All the kids' shoes outside the store were $5. We left there with 7 pairs of shoes and I paid $36.75. I am so glad Aimee called me! Emily ended up with 3 pairs, Zoe got 2, Zach got 1, and Eleanor got 1. Eleanor was mad that she didn't get more, but the one pair she got was the only pair in her size. She got a cute pair of pink, plaid Keds...that she'll probably never wear because they are so cute and my kids shy away from cute when it comes to clothes for some reason.


Kris said...

I can't believe it's ONLY been a month - you do so many things and go so many places that I forget how newborn Noah really is. He looks very alert in all of his pictures. I love that first picture of Kate and Noah together!

Your girls have had a lot of sleepover adventures this summer, they're lucky! The shoe sale sounds awesome.

Dawn said...

Noah is a very handsome little guy! I can't believe he's smiling and cooing already.

The twins went to a physical therapist (the pediatrician wanted them to be checked out at some point because of their early arrival). They passed with flying colors, and seem to be right on target for 7 months, rather than the adjusted age of 5+ months. They're still little, but they're mighty!

The shoe sale was amazing. I know how it is to have graet things planned which don't work out as planned!

Kristy said...

Noah is getting so big and he such a cutie!!

Sammie-J said...

Wow, Noah and Kate have the same eyes. I bet they're gonna grow up very close and stay that way when they are adults too.
Great pictures of your adorable family, as always.